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IDEAGEN Global's®

"Future of ... Summit"


Powered by The American Psychiatric Association Foundation 

Streaming June 17, 2024

Welcome to Ideagen Global's "Future of ... Summit," where thought leaders and visionaries converge to shape tomorrow's world. Our one-day event gathered luminaries from diverse sectors, including healthcare, education, technology, and more, to explore the forefront of innovation and anticipate game-changing developments in their industries.

Throughout the summit, attendees delved into riveting discussions led by industry pioneers, shedding light on emerging trends, breakthrough technologies, and transformative strategies. From disruptive healthcare solutions to cutting-edge advancements in education and beyond, each speaker offers unique insights into the future landscape of their field.

Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of innovation, exchange ideas, and chart a course toward a brighter tomorrow at The "Future of ... Summit."

Addressing the Future of Mental Health Care: 2024 "Future of ... Summit"

Addressing the Future of Mental Health Care: 2024 "Future of ... Summit"

Today, partnerships among organizations are crucial for addressing the holistic needs of individuals. Whether focusing on mental well-being or accessing social services, these partnerships, from the local level onward, are vital to the vitality of our communities. Join Rawle Andrews Jr., Executive Director of the American Psychiatric Association Foundation; Kate Garvey, from The Department of Community and Human Services in Alexandria, Virginia; and James Paige, Executive Director of The Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria, Virginia, as they discuss how their organizations collaborate to effect meaningful change for local constituents. Their insights provide a blueprint for cities across the nation. Reflecting on the challenges of the past four years, Rawle, James, and Kate draw upon their leadership experiences to develop a framework for addressing our communities most pressing issues, paving the way for future generations' well-being. Watch the entire 2024 "Future of ... Summit" here: Learn more about the APAF here: Learn more about The Department of Community & Human Services, Alexandria here: Learn more about the Concerned Citizen Network of Alexandria here: Rawle's LinkedIn: Kate's LinkedIn: Col. Paige's LinkedIn: #Ideagenglobal #futureofsummit #APAF
Health & Innovation: 2024 "Future of ... Summit"

Health & Innovation: 2024 "Future of ... Summit"

Join Diana Pankevich, Director of Global Innovation Policy at Pfizer, BJ Moore, CIO & EVP of Real Estate Operations at Providence Health, and Sujatha Dantuluri, Senior Solutions Architect of AWS, as they discuss their roles and how their organizations are leveraging technology to improve healthcare delivery and operational efficiency. BJ highlights promising technological advancements and strategic integrations at Providence, while Sujatha explores influential innovations shaping the future of healthcare and AWS's leading role. Diana shares Pfizer's goals for integrating emerging technologies into pharmaceutical research and healthcare, projecting their impact over the next decade. They also address opportunities and challenges in utilizing AI for healthcare practices and policies and share current initiatives demonstrating the transformative power of technology in their respective fields. Watch the entire 2024 "Future of ... Summit" here: Learn more about Pfizer's Innovation Policy here: Learn more about Providence Health here: Learn more about the AWS for Healthcare here: Diana's LinkedIn: BJ's LinkedIn: Sujatha's LinkedIn: #Ideagenglobal #futureofsummit #pfizer #providence #aws
The Future of Finance: 2024 "Future of ... Summit"

The Future of Finance: 2024 "Future of ... Summit"

Join Matt Lira of Invest America, Dave Grimaldi of The Blockchain Association, and Mark Fitzgerald of KPMG's International Development Assistance Services as they discuss their roles and insights in the financial sector. They explore the promotion of trust and transparency to stakeholders, with Mark highlighting major trends in the finance industry and KPMG's adaptive strategies. Dave delves into blockchain technology's transformative impact on finance, while Matt addresses critical issues facing the industry, particularly U.S. economic policies and investments. They also discuss future technology integration, regulatory changes, and the evolving roles of accounting firms. Finally, they share investment strategies for maximum impact and provide a call to action for the global audience. Watch the entire 2024 "Future of ... Summit" here: Learn more about Invest America here: Learn more about The Blockchain Association here: Learn more about KPMG's International Development Assistance Services here: Matt's LinkedIn: Dave's LinkedIn: Mark's LinkedIn: #Ideagenglobal #futureofsummit #investamerica #theblockchainassociation #Kpmg

Our Speakers

Kate Garvey Headhsot_edited.png
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Toni Townes-Whitley



Kate Garvey


Department of Community and Human Services, Alexandria, VA

Rawle Andrews Jr,

Executive Director

American Psychiatric Association Foundation

Brody Mullins Headshot_edited.png
Stacy Haller Headshot_edited.png

Col. James Paige (Ret.)

Executive Director

Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria

Brody Mullins

Investigative Reporter at The Wall Street Journal & Author of "The Wolves of K Street" 

Stacy Haller


BrightFocus Foundation

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Yasmeen Long Headshot_edited.png
Sujatha Dantuluri Headshot_edited_edited.png
Phyllis Barkman Ferrell Headshot_edited.png

Phyllis Ferrell

Senior Advisor 

Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative

Yasmeen Long

Director of FasterCures

Milken Institute

Sujatha Dantuluri

Senior Solutions Architect


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Diana Pankevich Headshot_edited.png

BJ Moore 

CIO & EVP of Real Estate Strategy & Operations

Providence Health

Diana Pankevich

Director of Global Innovation Policy 


Jeff Terry

VP of Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability 


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Mark Fitzgerald 

Global Head, International Development Assistance Services KPMG

Dave Grimaldi
Executive VP, Head of Gov. Relations

The Blockchain Association

Matt Lira

Executive Director 

Invest America

Molly Kirsch Headshot_edited.png
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Jaysi Ramierez Headshot_edited.png

Shreyas Patel

HOSA - Future Health Professionals State Advisor

Washington, DC 

Jaysi Ramirez

HOSA State President

Washington, DC

Molly Kirsch

HOSA State Treasurer

Washington, DC

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Aaron Philip Dworkin - Headshot_edited.png

Esteban Olivares

Head of New University Partnerships & Managed Programs

Summer Discovery

Aaron Dworkin


National Summer Learning Association 

Lisa Gables

CEO,  American Association of Physician Assistants, Founder of HealthForce

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Bill Novelli


Coalition For Trust in Health & Science

Maria Bizakis

Senior Fellow

Ideagen Global

James Fitzgerald

Senior Fellow

Ideagen Global

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DCM Sapountzis Headshot_edited.png

Mike Johnson

Author, "Fixing Congress: Restoring Power to The People"

Nikolaos Sapountzis

Deputy Chief of Mission

Greek Embassy to the United States

Patrick Theros

Former US Ambassador to Qatar

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Dr. Nicole Hayre

Founder of the Cosmetic Dermatology Center & Cutocin

Other Ideagen Summits

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